The Key to the Riches of Christ on Eliakim’s Shoulder

Eliakim carried a large key on his shoulder, not a small key in his pocket, but a large key that keeps the treasures of the house of God, which today are all the riches of Christ.

As those who are living in the church as the kingdom of God today, we need to know and experience Christ, the real David, as the One who has the key of David (Isa. 22:22)

David fought for God, established the kingdom, and prepared everything for the building of the holy temple; as the one who represented God in establishing his kingdom on earth, David had a key- the key of God's dominion

Isaiah 22:22 says that Jehovah would set the key of the house of David upon Eliakim's shoulder. It does not say that Eliakim holds the key but that the key is set upon his shoulder. This expression indicates that this key is a great key. A small key is merely held by someone; it is not put upon his shoulder. This expression indicates that this key is a great key. A small key is merely held by someone; it is not put upon his shoulder. The key that God has put on the shoulder of Christ is a great one. Such a big key indicates that the door which it opens is big and thick. Such a door would be a stronghold to protect and keep the treasures of the house of God.

Today, the the treasures in the house of God are all the riches of Christ which are open to all of us.

Exerpts from HWMR- Minor Prophets, Volume Two, Week 7-Day 5