It Is Easy to Forget Doctrines, But it is Not Easy to Forget a Vision

"It is easy to forget doctrines, but it is not easy to forget a vision."

God has a vision and God's vision is to gain a people.

Seeing God's vision and knowing what God wants is so much more than listening to doctrine. Seeing this vision will change our work, our view, and our Christian life, everything in our daily living.

Once we see a vision we gain a clarity in our living. We can no longer hold on to our past views and concepts. In our preaching of the gospel, which is to gain man with the purpose to fulfill God's vision, we gain a clarity. All of our works become related to God's plan, His vision. If our works are not linked to God's plan, they can't be considered God's work.

Doctrine are a set of beliefs that are often lacking vision. We become dispassionate. But a vision provides an energy from it's constant enlightenment.

We have to realize that what we hear can be easily forgotten, but what we see is not easily forgotten.

Excerpts from HWMR- The Holy Word for Morning Revival- Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem Week 1- Day1