Excerpts from The Holy Word for Morning Revival

2 Tim 1:7- For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of sober mindedness.

When we meet a brother or sister, there is no need to measure what has been increased in him; rather we should observe what has been decreased in him.

To allow the Spirit to enter into us, we must make room. We have to eliminate the burden of the soul, which comprises of our mind, emotion and will.  The part of a man's soul which is particularly strong is the very part by which that man lives. If a persons mind is particularly strong, whenever he has an encounter, his mind will definitely come first. If his emotion is particularly thriving, whenever he has an encounter, his emotion will move first. If his will is particularly strong, whenever he has an encounter , it will certainly be his will that takes the lead.

Brother Nee once said that it is similar to a man who carelessly walks into a wall. When he does so, his nose always hits first. Whatever part of the body stands out, that part will hit the wall first. The situation of our soul is like this.

Consider that the growth of life subdues every part of our soul. The more our soul is subdued, the more life grows, and the more our soul decreases, the more life increases..  If there is a decrease of himself, then God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit have surely gained ground in him and have increased in him.  Only this is the real growth in life.

Excerpts from The Holy Word for Morning Revival- The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Week 4 - Day 2


Rom 12:5- So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Rom 10- Love one another warmly in brotherly love; take the lead in showing honor one to another.

Rom 15:7- Therefore receive one another, as Christ also received you to the glory of God.

The church is not a police station to arrest people or a law court to judge people, but a home to raise up the believers. Parents know that the worse their children are the more they need their raising up....The church is a loving home to raise up the children.

The church is also a hospital to heal and to recover the sick ones.

Finally, the church is a school to teach and edify the unlearned ones who do not have much understanding. Because the church is a home, a hospital, and a school, the co-workers and elders should be one with the Lord to raise up, to heal, to cover, and to teach others in love....Love covers and builds up, so love is the most excellent way for us to be anything and to do anything for the building up of the Body of Christ. (The Vital Groups, pg 75)

"It is easy to forget doctrines, but it is not easy to forget a vision."

God has a vision and God's vision is to gain a people.

Seeing God's vision and knowing what God wants is so much more than listening to doctrine. Seeing this vision will change our work, our view, and our Christian life, everything in our daily living.

Once we see a vision we gain a clarity in our living. We can no longer hold on to our past views and concepts. In our preaching of the gospel, which is to gain man with the purpose to fulfill God's vision, we gain a clarity. All of our works become related to God's plan, His vision. If our works are not linked to God's plan, they can't be considered God's work.

Doctrine are a set of beliefs that are often lacking vision. We become dispassionate. But a vision provides an energy from it's constant enlightenment.

We have to realize that what we hear can be easily forgotten, but what we see is not easily forgotten.

Excerpts from HWMR- The Holy Word for Morning Revival- Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem Week 1- Day1