Holy Word For Morning Revival Electronic Version is Downloadable from Living Stream Ministries- HWMR

Living Stream Ministries has the publication "Holy Word for Morning Revival" (HWMR) available for electronic download.

Here are the steps to find the material on the Living Stream Ministry web site located at lsm.org

Go to Living Stream Ministry at lsm.org.

In the left navigation column click on "Ministry ePublications for Handhelds, PC's and eReaders".

You are sent to a page showing what electronic devices can be used to read the publications. Click on the reader you will be using.

You will have to have an account to see the complete list of Holy Word for Morning Revival titles.

You are asked to create a new account. This is free, but note that you should have only one LSM account. The authorization codes to activate publications are account specific.

Your account is formed immediately. Log in and go to "Get My ePublications"

Now, go to the link "+ Holy Word for Morning Revival", find the issue you are interested in and follow the instructions to download it to your computer.

If you have questions, there are several numbers referenced on the site that you can call for assistance.