It is No Longer the Law that Gives the Final Word, But Christ. Takeaway from Matt. 12:3-4

When the Pharisees criticized the Lord's disciples for picking the ears of grain on the Sabbath, He said, "Have you not read what David did when he became hungry, and those who were with him; how he entered into the house of God, and they ate the bread of the Presence, which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, except for the priests only?" Matt. 12:3-4

David and his followers, as was Christ and his followers, were hungry, but none had anything to eat. But there was the place where there was something to eat. For David, it was the house of God.  And for Christ it was the grain fields on the Sabbath day.

Therefore, the Lord seemed to be saying to the Pharisees, "You shouldn't condemn Me or my disciples. It is no longer the law that gives the final word, but I, the Christ, I give the final word. I am the real King, the real David. I am also the Christ who has brought in the dispensation of grace. Thus whatever I say or do is the final decision."

The matter of keeping the Sabbath belonged to the old dispensation of the law. But in the age of grace, Christ has the final word. It is not a matter of the laws, but of Christ.

This marked the dispensational change in the age of the priests to the age of the kings, in which the Kings were above the priests and Christ was the true king.

Exerpts from HWMR- Minor Prophets, Volume Two, Week 7-Day 2